Education is one of the government of the Bangka Belitung Province’s focuses, specifically by improving the quality of Human Resources (HR) and one way to do it, is by collaborating with University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI). UAI was represented by Vice Rector III for Student Affairs and Alumni (Dr. Faisal Hendra, Lc., MA), Director of Partnership (Dr. Bambang Eko Samiono, S.T., M.M., CHRP), and Head of the Islamic Counseling Guidance Study Program (Mr. Syariful, S.Pd., M.Pd.I.), visited Bangka Belitung and held a meeting with the Governor of Bangka Belitung on February 4, 2022 at Depati Amir Airport VIP Building, Pangkalpinang.

“We would like to appreciate University Al-Azhar Indonesia, for trusting and collaborating with the Bangka Belitung Provincial Government. However, there should be an emphasis on this cooperation. In order to which is agreed later by our strategic policies” said The Bangka Belitung Governor, Mr. Erzaldi Rosman.

For the education issue, the Governor asked UAI to map the interests and talents of high school/vocational students, so the parents would know the abilities of their children that must be developed. In addition, the Governor wants the empowerment of the best lecturers at UAI to guide counseling teachers at schools.

Related to technology development, the government of Bangka Belitung collaborate on plastic waste management machine into diesel fuel developed by UAI lecturers. At the same time, the machine would create a clean and comfortable tourist area for tourists.

Meeting with Governor of Bangka Belitung
Meeting with Representative of Mayor of Pangkal Pinang