Jakarta (01 February 2023) – University Al-Azhar University Indonesia (UAI) received education scholarships from PT Sucofindo for 9 (nine) UAI students with various study programs with a total scholarship value of 60 million rupiah. The scholarship award was implemented through a scholarship handover ceremony event. The scholarship handover was represented by Head of Social and Environmental Responsibility Unit (TJSL PT Sucofindo), Mr. Nuri Hidayat to Vice Rector II of UAI, Mrs Ir. Ade Suryanti, MM.IPU.
This event was attended by all of Vice Rectors of UAI, Head of TJSL PT Sucofindo, Representative of TJSL PT Sucofindo, nine receivers of the scholarships, and other related Directorates in UAI. The event was opened by remarks from Ir. Ade Suryanti, M.M. IPU. She expressed her gratitude from UAI to PT Sucofindo for providing scholarships to Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia. It is known that PT Sucofindo is one of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in the field of inspection, testing, certification, training, and consultancy services, for many sectors such as agriculture, forestry, mining (oil and gas and non-oil and gas), construction, processing industry, etc.
Furthermore, remarks delivered by TSJL of PT Sucofindo Mr. Nuri Hidayat, said that this scholarship is targeted at students who are excellent in academics but are economically disadvantaged. So this scholarship is hopefully able to support students to further another achievement in the future.